Sarah sits in a park, she is smiling at the camera

Hi, my name’s Sarah! My pronouns are they/she and I’m currently based in Cheltenham (UK) where I live with my partner.

I’ve been practicing yoga for just over 7 years and I immediately fell in love with the practice. Whether it was the physical benefits from my asana (posture) practice, or the mental benefits from pranayama (breath work) and meditation, yoga changed my life (I realise how incredibly cheesy and cliché that sounds, but it’s true!)

A photo of Sarah in a relaxed seated position on her yoga mat in the Hintze Hall in the Natural History Museum. Sarah is smiling at the camera.

I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2019 – the experience was incredible and it completely changed my personal practice and influenced the practices I want to share. My goal is to teach yoga which is accessible for everybody – regardless of ability, age, gender, or background. I want to create classes & workshops that are gender neutral, suitable for people who are neurodiverse, accessible for all physical abilities and free of diet culture.

As well as my 200 hour training, I’ve also completed 30 hour Accessible Yoga training and my 85 hour Pregnancy and Post-Natal Yoga Teacher Training. I’m now also in the process of working through my 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can find out more about that on my Qualifications & Development page.

I like to describe myself as body positive, fat positive, Health At Every Size (HAES) aligned and part of the LGBTQIA+ community – I identify as Queer, Nonbinary and Pansexual. In 2023 I was also diagnosed with ME/CFS which is a long-term chronic illness, and a hidden disability. This has impacted my teaching a lot, but I’m grateful that I’m able to use my accessible yoga training to adapt my practice to suit my needs, and now more than ever, the needs of my students.

Yoga has played a big part in my own body acceptance journey which led me to learn more about the body positive movement and HAES. It has also really allowed me to learn about myself and live authentically which helped me to come out. One of my personal development interests at the moment is gender, specifically the gender binary and how this was created by white supremacy and the patriarchy. I’m currently reading books about transgender history and life beyond the binary.

A photo of Sarah standing on a wooden bridge in a forest

As well as yoga, I also love being outdoors (my condition permitting) and craft activities. If I’m not walking through a forest somewhere, you might find me curled up with some knitting, cross-stitch, or my latest passion which is EPP quilting! The rest of my time usually involves Netflix, food and blankets – I love to nest!