Online classes are available via Patreon:

Please see some details below along with some free taster practices so that you can try them out before you subscribe!

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. As a patron, you can subscribe to me, a creator, to get exclusive Patreon only content – in my case, that’s online yoga classes, guided meditations and other content.

How much does it cost?

I’m really keen for my yoga classes to be financially accessible – I don’t think money should be a barrier when it comes to accessing yoga. With this in mind, I’ve set up my Patreon with a ‘Pay what you can’ subscription model. This means that I’m giving you the option to pay what you’re able to.

Support Me£2+ per month (+VAT)

For those would like to support me but don’t want access to yoga or meditation practices.

As a self-employed individual every little bit helps so thank you so much in advance. In the future, if you do want to access the Patron Only content you can easily update your tier at any time.

On-Demand: Community – £5+ per month (+VAT)

For those currently experiencing financial difficulty.

This tier is designed for those who do not have the financial means to attend yoga classes or purchase expensive yoga subscriptions. By offering subscriptions for £5 a month, I hope this enables more people to access the classes and experience the benefits yoga has to offer.

On-Demand: Standard – £25 per month (+VAT)

For those who can afford to pay the standard tier rate.

This standard tier is £25 a month. By joining this tier, you enable me to create and release content that is accessible for all.

On-Demand: Supporter – £26+ per month (+VAT)

For those who want to pay it forward.

​This supporter tier is £26 (or more) a month. By joining this tier, you enable me to create and release content that is accessible for all. By pledging over the standard amount, you are helping me to offer community subscriptions, breaking down the financial barriers to yoga which people often face.

Can I cancel or change my subscription / pledge at a later date?

Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! Life happens, I completely understand that – there is no pressure to remain with a higher subscription if this is no longer working for you financially.

Free Practices:

Please enjoy these free classes to experience an online practice with me. I recommend you click through to the YouTube video and read the full description for details.

Bed Yoga

A 30-minute bed yoga practice which can be completed lying down in a bed, or on a mat on the floor if you’d prefer a firmer surface. This practice involves some gentle mobility work in the joints and then some still postures, all completed lying on our back.

Mat-based Yoga

A 53-minute mat-based practice where we explore Warrior 2 & Tree Pose. This practice involves a combination of standing postures, seated postures (on the mat) and postures lying on your back. To get the most out of this practice, it will help if you are comfortable moving from standing postures to floor based postures easily.

Restorative Yoga

A 45-minute restorative practice where we explore Child’s Pose & Reclined Butterfly. Restorative yoga is all about rest! In an hour-long class, you can expect to do between 4 and 6 postures, spending anywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes in each. All postures will be on the floor.

Seated Chair Yoga

A 29-minute seated practice which can all be done in a chair. (This practice does involve sitting sideways on the chair so one without arms is needed.)

Standing Chair Yoga

A short sun salutation sequence which is standing, but using a chair/wall/table as a prop – this is great if you don’t want to get up or down off the floor.